Building a professional experience for amateur athletes from scratch.

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Question mark inside of a circle.


Discovering that many amateur athletes are looking for a tool to help them track their progress in pickup basketball games, I took it upon my self to find out how to provide this experience.

A checkmark in a circle.


I created a stat-tracking platform to log individual players made and missed shots within a a game, as well as tally their contributions to their teams score.

A thumbs up.


Bringing the product to a live session helped demonstrate the potential this tool could have for amateur athletes, as well as helped me iron out any kinks in the user experience.


Strava. Homecourt. MyFitnessPal. All of these apps in the fitness space help the user track their progress and allow them to monitor their improvement. As someone who plays pickup basketball recreationally along with others on a regular basis, and I wanted to track our performance for these games to get a sense of improvement and status on a game to game basis.

Notes app where I manually created a scorekeeping chart

Unable to find a tool that would help with this, we resorted to manually inputting this information in my notes app, which created many frustrations because it was not easy to use with the speed of the game. With the text being so small it took a lot of precision and scrolling to update the players stats. the space for a tool like this was being carved and I wanted to investigate its necessity/demand to see if there was an opportunity to marry my passion for design with my love for basketball.


i began to interview those in and out of my circle who participate in these pickup basketball runs to determine if there was a use case for this type of tool, here are some key excerpts:

Person in wheelchair shooting a basketball

I would love to be able to see how I’m shooting so I can see if I improve over time.

Woman playing basketball

Having my stats tracked would let me see if I played well and I would feel like an NBA player.

Two athletes high-fiving

It would give me a new way to be competitive by bragging to my friends.

The one that stood out the most was that they would feel like an NBA player. That was all I needed to hear. A tool like this could provide amateur players with a luxury that professional players experience. With the interviews demonstrating the demand for a tool like this, I got to work to bring this idea to reality.


Filling this demand created a large problem that grew bigger with creativity, ambition, and dreams. To push this into something realistic to launch, I refined the scope to create a vision for the MVP, a release that could be iterated on and expanded. A MoSCoW list helped align the projects must haves, should haves, could haves, and wont haves.

Must have
Ability to track stats for the up game.
Should have
The ability to share the results of the game on socials.

The ability to make a profile to save your results over a period of time.
Could have
Stats for pickup, amateur leagues, and/or school games saved to your profile.
Wont have
Substitutions, teams, anything beyond an amateur or pickup capacity.

A key consideration for this step was the front end development skills required to see it through. To provide an experience that was accessible to all, I sought to develop this as a web page so anyone on any device could utilize this product. Having trained myself in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React, I knew where my abilities were in terms of delivery, and accommodated the scope to reflect that.


The core function of the app required to fill the demand was the actual in game tracked, so the "Must Have" became the focus for my MVP, which aligned as closely as possible to my dev capabilities.

Journey mapping

The product had to be more than just a clicker app, I had to map out all the steps in the players journey when looking at pickup basketball.

Steps in a basketball players journey

Examining this journey, the MVP of the product would need to take account for the players playing in the current game, track the individual scores, and add them up into a tallied game score. With this information, I was able to craft a user journey for the proposed product.

Early-stage flowchart.

Workshopping this flow with interview participants revealed that any supplemental tech needs to be fast-paced to match the court action. Inputting everyone's name before entering the "input game stats" section would slow things down, leading to frustrations due to expensive and limited court time, so I made this step optional. Additionally, it was suggested that the flow should return users to the input game stats screen if the same number of players want to play again, reducing wait times.

Flow chart for the MVP.


I had enough information to move on to the fun part: wireframing. I explored a variety of different styles of interaction for the input game stats function of this product and returned to my original interviewees for their feedback.

Through this ideation exercise and feedback it was clear that incorporating all tracked stats in this module would be overwhelming for the user. I also consulting online basketball forums on Reddit and came to the conclusion that cataloguing points related stats would have the highest value.


Creating the visual style for the prototype was tricky. I wanted to evoke a sense of fun and play, so I leaned heavily on inspiration from similarly styled products.

Gif showcasing the screens and flow for the Pickup app.


Zeplin handoff components.Zeplin handoff screen 1.
Screenshots from Zeplin

As the sole developer on the project, I wanted to create a smooth development process for myself. I handed off the prototypes into Zeplin, and created cheat sheets for different components used in the app. I seamlessly organized and annotated each element, giving myself a comprehensive overview of the project. Zeplin's intuitive interface allowed me to view detailed specifications, pixel-perfect measurements, and style guides, ensuring precision in the implementation of the design.

Field testing

With a coded prototype, I returned to my pickup spot and introduced the product to a new set of, more advanced participants. Veteran players initially resisted, but I demonstrated the product's benefits, particularly its ability to track scores, addressing a common difficulty. By the end of the session, many players were eager to check their shooting stats and shared how the tool would improve scorekeeping in the circuits they volunteer at.


This exercise was valuable beyond validating the product's demand; it revealed design flaws. The game's fast pace meant my stat tracking buttons were too small, causing participants to fear hitting the wrong button or missing entirely, which would skew data. To address this, I redesigned the prototype with larger, single-use buttons and an undo button to revert recent changes. Testing showed these changes made the tool simpler to navigate and more reliable for stat tracking.

Initial screen for the app.
Old screenshot of prototype
Revised screen for the app
New screenshot of prototype


Many projects I've delivered ended with a complete handoff, this is a project I want to deliver and continue to develop after it's live. Being able to go beyond user testing and try it out in the field was an amazing experience, one I hope to continue as the product develops. This tool for myself and my peers has already achieved the goals I was hoping for on a personal level, now it’s time to bring this product to others.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Thanks for dropping by. If you liked what you saw and would like to work with me, I am open for freelance opportunities. You can reach me at:

Feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to chat about my work, design, or even the state of the NBA.
Quick readProblemResearchScopeJourney mappingIdeationPrototypeHandoffField testingRevisionsConclusions